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Engine CMS upgrades

The new and improved Engine CMS 5.0 Beta has been launched.

The Engine CMS has been a resounding success since it was first launched. We’ve deployed over 250 websites and supported over 1,000 active users.

We needed to make some improvements, both to the codebase and also the User Interface. Our Engine CMS users can rest assured that the User Experience, simple updates and logical workflows all remain in place, if anything we’ve managed to simplify things even further!

Under the hood improvements

Code changes were driven by a need to improve security, update software and plug-in versions and migrate the platform to a new hosting environment. To facilitate GDPR compliance, improve speed and deliver ongoing stability we’ve invested lots of time into improvements and upgrades, which were deployed last year.

Troubleshooting and support

By adding improved error feedback and troubleshooting tools, we’re now able to spot errors, diagnose issues and resolve tech support tickets quicker than ever before.

User Interface redesign

We couldn’t change everything, but we elected to modernise the UI Design to bring in a fresh, clean look, more appropriate for today’s design expectations and display resolutions. Iconography, text editors and forms have all had a refresh, ensuring the system looks as good as it performs. In addition to the design refresh, we've simplified some features and added more animations and instructional tool tips to make the system more intuitive.

What happens next...

The updated design will be rolled out in November 2019. You will see a banner on the login page, enabling you to switch to the new Engine CMS 5.0 Beta version. Whilst we iron out any final bugs and gather feedback the old version will remain available to use as normal.

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank all our clients who are using the Engine CMS for bearing with us whilst we’ve ironed out the occasional wrinkle or added new features.

We hope you enjoy the modernised design. We’ll be on hand for the support, ongoing growth and innovation you need.

Read more about Engine CMS


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