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Melon Stuff

Engine CMS v3.0 released!

Major developments in our powerful Content Management System now unveiled...

Melon has recently launched the latest version of our hugely successful and powerful Content Management System - Engine. Ingeniously titled Version 3.0, the updated system includes a whole host of improvements and new features, including:

Faster Navigation - now even quicker and easier to update and manage your website
Improved eshot and CRM system - create and distribute your own HTML emails to any mailing group
Powerful Contacts Organiser - create mailing groups, auto register for updates, search and upload data and much more!
Refined image and movie tools - more stable, faster, improved file format support
Search Engine Optimisation tools - stay in complete control and drive traffic to your website with these easy to use meta tools
Support Documentation - Free downloads and technical support, just in case you have any questions

Plus many more minor improvements, user benefits and useful tools.

So, now it's even easier to interact with your website, manage online files, publish and edit content, images, movies and podcasts. As well as drive traffic through HTML eshots, track users, enjoy Analytics and much more besides!

We are happy to talk you though the possibilities, whether you're a web novice or experienced online marketeer. To discuss how the Engine Content Management System and website design services from Melon could benefit your organisation Contact Us.

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