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Website Launches

Web design refresh for IMS Evolve

Updated website design and realigned messaging for global IoT innnovator.

We've put the finishing touches to the new IMS Evolve website design. Having worked with the team at IMS for a number of years we have developed  a deep understanding of the pace of innovation, both within the business and the wider industry in general.

IMS are an innovator, pushing boundaries and disrupting traditional retail and cold chain sectors with ground breaking techncology. As a result the IMS website needs to demonstrate innovation, clear understandable benefits and retain flexibility to adapt to any potential brief or requirement.

The website utilises scrolling and informative panels to communicate the potential benefits, innovative service and past achievements in a clean, engaging style. This ensures users from all types of skill sets and backgrounds will recognise the advantages of working with IMS. Layered information reveals more technical insights, real world examples and up to the minute insights via a modern blogging approach and social media integration.

Iconography, animated elements, video, screen grabs and real world imagery combine with clear headline messages to ensure an engaging User Experience whilst demonstrating credibility and supporting the wider sales process. The addition of a careers section also helps boost a recruitment drive to facilitate ongoing expansion.


 The website benefits from responsive templates, ensuring usabaility across all types of devices.



The new IMS website is based on the Engine CMS, enabling quick updates and helping the client to post blogs, update facts & figures, optimise meta data and refresh marketing content.


What the client said...

“Whatever the brief, whenever we challenge them, Melon create something exciting, which exceeds our expectations and helps deliver the results we need."

Jasmine Sampson
Marketing Manager
IMS Evolve


Take a look at the IMS website here: www.ims-evolve.com

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